Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kathy Kreag Richardson Wasting Tax Dollars Again.

Did you get Kathy’s Let’s Stay Connected? Her Legislative Report 2010. A prime example of a big waste of taxpayers money, at a time when the money could be better spent on education or jobs. The last time I checked on one of these mailings it cost around $35,000. If you believe in reducing government spending you should mad as hell about this.

Kathy Kreag Richardson is the current State Representative form the 29th District and also the Elections Commissioner for Hamilton County and therefore she runs her own election. Only in third world countries and Hamilton County, Indiana do people run their own elections.

I am Joe Weingarten and am running for this office. If elected I will not waste taxpayers money on sending out fancy 4 color junk mail about what I did, just to get my picture out to you.

This is approved by Joe Weingarten for 29th District State Representative.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

No Democracy in Fishers, IN

No democracy in Fishers, IN. A certified petition was submitted to the Town of Fishers, Indiana on May 3, 2010 calling for an election to determine if the Town should become a City. By May 6th Mr. Scott Faultless, President of Town Council stated that they might not bring up this up for a vote this year.


I guess this is another example of where the government of Fishers believes it is above the concepts of democracy. This is clearly an abuse of power by Mr. Faultless and the gang of seven. Are they so afraid of losing power they will go to any length to keep it? Even if this comes up for a vote later by delaying it until next year they gain five more years in power. Mr. Faultless and fellow Council Members if you do this you will show the entire world that you are no better than a dictator in a third world country. Don’t let people vote, kept yourselves in power at any cost. If Mr. Faultless never intended to let this to be on the ballot how come he set up a committee of 44 people to study the concept/differences between a Town and City, had them come to about a dozen meetings, and hire Mr. Steve Carter, former Secretary of State as its facilitator. Was this just for show? It appears that way now. Now he wants a Township Merger Plan to go first. This merger concept came up as a blatant attempt to try and stop the City-Yes vote. The merger has already been voted down by Delaware Township and not voted on by Fall Creek. Even if approved by Fall Creek, other studies, if done properly, in other locations of the state have taken a year to be completed. Knowing the actions of this Council the odds are the study is already written and any study would be a sham. That is the only way they could even get it on the ballot by this November.

Now all of a sudden the Town has scheduled a Joint meeting with the Township Board on May 10,2010. Here is what is going to happen. At that meeting both the Town and Township will adopt resolutions to form study committees to look at the merger. They have to take 30 days for people to apply to be on the study committees, why brother, they already know who is going to be hand picked to be on the committees. Elsewhere in this state when mergers came up, the committees took the full year allowed by law to come up with their recommendations. I am giving odds that this study will be accomplished in record time. The odds are it is already written. That is the only way Fishers could then hold two public hearings in time for a deadline of September 2, 2010 to get this on the ballot. The public then votes on the merger plan. Now here is where Fishers is not certain of what might happen. They have to get approval from the people who live in the un-incorporated area of Fishers independent of those who live in Fishers. Of course the plan will talk in glowing terms about how this will reduce the size of government and be more efficient, bah, bah, bah. It will leave off the increase in fees for those in the un-incorporated area which is actually a hidden tax increase.

Now lets look at the City-Yes vote and why the Town Council is doing this merger. In their thinking, one of two things happen. If they get the merger, they will form a new form of government of a soft city, a city with a Mayor that is actually the head of the City Council, just like the Town Council with its Council President. A figure head Mayor with almost no power, no checks and balances that a real City brings. They will go to 9 Councilors instead of the 7 now and may or may not have set districts. They will then claimed they have created a City and there is no need for the City Yes vote. Plan B if the merger is killed by the voters. The City Yes vote will then be placed on the ballot in November 2011. Even if approved by state law it would not go into effect until 2015 which is the next city election. That would keep them in office until 2015. If the City Yes is on the ballot this year and approved the new City goes into effect in 2011. But the Town Council is in fear the voters will approve the new City and therefore they want to keep it off the ballot at any costs.

Mr. Faultless and other members of Council as elected officials of the Citizens of Fishers you should put aside your personal bias and do what is expected of you in the representation of the citizens. If you can’t exercise your duties, you should resign immediately. If you follow through with this action to prevent a vote and take these actions you are throwing it in the face of all the people who have fought and shed blood for this nation since July 4th 1776. Your actions for this merger is a clear sign that you can’t be trusted as representatives of the people, you are not representatives of the citizens of Fishers, but rather of a very special interest group, your self’s.

Both Republicans and Democrat this is not an issue of either party, this is an issue overrides the concept of parties. It is an issue of the people petitioning their government and a government that ignores the petition.

I urge everyone to call and e-mail members of the Town Council and tell them how wrong this is. Even if you don’t live in Fishers, IN. Tell them what you think of running a government that only wants to keep itself in power.

Scott Faultless faultless@fishers.in.us

Eileen N. Pritchard pritchard@fishers.in.us

Stuart F. Easley easley@fishers.in.us

Daniel E. Henke henke@fishers.in.us

Charles P. White white@fishers.in.us

David C. George george@fishers.in.us

Arthur J. Levine levine@fishers.in.us

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Well, Kathy what are you going to do?

I have called for the removal of Ms. Kathy Richardson as the Election Administrator of Hamilton County Indiana. How would you like to run against someone who controls the election? While she might be the most honest person in the county, it is just wrong and if she is honest and upright she should choose between being an Election Administrator or a State Representative but she should not be both. It is just wrong.

Joe Weingarten for District 29 Indiana State Legislature

For Immediate Release

Call for removal of Kathy Richardson as Hamilton County Election Administrator

Democrat Joe Weingarten, candidate for the 29th District State Representative, has called for the immediate removal of Ms. Kathy Richardson as the Hamilton County Election Administrator. He stated, “Only in third world countries and Hamilton County does someone run their own election.” Ms. Richardson is a candidate for 29th District State Representative in this election and her name appears on the May Ballot.

He is also requesting an investigation of electioneering by Ms. Richardson as she is within the poling place for absentee ballots and this may be in violation of Indiana Code 3-14-3-16. Also Ms. Richardson is involved in the counting of ballots and this may also be in violation of Indiana Code 3-14-2-23.

Mr. Weingarten has also requested that the Indiana Attorney General be requested to rule on the Ms. Richardson holding two offices in different branches of government at the same time. As a Representative she is an elected official, in the Legislative branch, as the Election Administrator she is within the judicial branch. She is on the Election and Apportionment; Legislative Council Committee in the Indiana House and thus is engaged in writing laws that direct her job function. This may be prohibited under the Indiana Constitution as a Dual Office Holding.

In the past Ms. Richardson has been elected to office while the Election Administrator and Mr. Weingarten has asked that the investigations be conducted into past elections. With the possibility that she be declared ineligible to serve.

Copy of the detail request is attached.

For additional Information contact:
Joe Weingarten
14066 Deer Stone Ln
Fortville, IN 46040

Approved by Committee for Weingarten for 29th District State Representative

April 28, 2010

Hamilton County Elections Board Ms. Sonia Leekamp, Prosecutor
Ms.Peggy Beaver One Hamilton County Square
One Hamilton County Square Suite 134
Suite 106 Noblesville, IN 46060
Noblesville, IN 46060

Via Certified Mail

Dear Ms. Beaver and Ms.Leekamp;

1. I request that Ms. Peggy Beaver immediately remove Ms. Kathy Richardson from her position as Election Administrator in accordance with Indiana Code IC3-6-5-24:
Candidates for elected office; service as deputy election commissioner or employment by county board
Sec. 24. A person who is a candidate for elected office may not be:
(1) appointed as a deputy election commissioner; or
(2) employed by a county election board.
If a deputy election commissioner or employee of a county election board becomes a candidate for elected office, the person may not continue to serve as a deputy election commissioner or employee of a county election board.
As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.3-1987, SEC.27.

Ms. Richardson as the Election Administrator is directly employed to:
The Elections Office oversees the administration of all elections, candidate filings and campaign finance. The Elections Office, along with the County Commissioners, manages all polling place assignments and maintains all precinct information.

This could place her in a position in violation of state statue and a conflict of interest. In addition Ms. Richardson is currently engaged in Electioneering by being within the polling area as outlined in Paragraph 3 below.

2. I request an investigation by the Indiana State Police, Indiana Board of Elections and the State Attorney General into conduct by Ms. Richardson in past elections and this current primary. Conflict of Interest between Sheriff Doug Carter and Prosecutor Sonia Leerkamp as contributors of campaign funds to Ms. Richardson exclude them or their offices from any investigation. Monetary contributions to Ms Richardson’s campaigns for many years by Ms. Peggy Beaver and as her supervisor should exclude her from any investigation. In addition Ms. Beaver as her you may be a subject of questioning in any investigation. Further delays of over two years in previous investigations also show a deliberate attempt to derail any investigation. Ms. Richardson may have committed a Class D Felony under IC 3-14-2-23 by handling Ballots while a Candidate for Office and therefore she should not have received any ballots for counting. Request that this investigation include but not be limited to the last election but all elections in which she was a candidate and held the position of Election Administrator. I further request a special prosecutor without ties to Hamilton County be appointed for this investigation.

3. I request an investigation by the Indiana State Police, Indiana Board of Elections and the State Attorney General into conduct by Ms. Richardson in past elections and the current primary relative to Electioneering in accordance with IC 3-14-3-16. The Hamilton Count Board of Elections has a Conflict of Interest in that in the past complaints have been lodged and your Board has found that Ms. Richardson because she was not wearing a name tag was not electioneering. The lack of a nametag is not discussed anywhere in Indiana Code. Ms. Richardson is well known and her picture routinely appears in the press and flyers she mails to the voting public. Conflict of Interest between Sheriff Doug Carter, Prosecutor Sonia Leerkamp and Ms. Peggy Beaver as contributors of campaign funds to Ms. Richardson exclude them or their offices from any investigation. Ms. Richardson may have committed a Class A misdemeanor. Ms. Richardson is within the Polls and Chute area during the election and: (2) within an area in the office of the circuit court clerk or a satellite office of the circuit court clerk established under IC 3-11-10-26.3 used by an absentee voter board to permit an individual to cast an absentee ballot; or
(3) except for a voter who is:
(A) the person’s spouse;
(B) an incapacitated person (as defined in IC 29-3-1-7.5) for whom the person has been appointed the guardian (as defined in IC 29-3-1-6); or
(C) a member of the person’s household; in the presence of a voter whom the person knows possesses an absentee ballot provided to the voter in accordance with Indiana law;
In addition when a person comes to exercise an absentee ballot or vote early they enter the election office and directly in front of them is Ms. Richardson’s work area and a large sign that states “KATHY.” She was in clear view and even waved to me when I submitted my absentee ballot. Complaints of her electioneer have been ignored by the Hamilton County Board of Elections and the Indiana Board of Elections. It is time for a special prosecutor without ties to Hamilton County be appointed to conduct an investigation.

4. Dual Office holding. Under the Indiana Constitution you are not permitted to hold two lucrative offices in the state at the same time. Ms. Richardson was found to be part of the Judicial branch of government as a result of an investigation of a complaint filed under Hatch Act. She is elected to the Legislative branch of the government. Under Article III, Section 1 it prohibits a person charged with official duties under one of the departments from exercising the functions of another department. Ms. Richardson has voted on Bills concerning election law as a State Representative. Further a conflict of interest is clear in her being on the Elections and Apportionment; Legislative Council Committee of the House. I request that you request the Attorney General to rule on this matter.

5. I request the remaining members of the Hamilton County Election Board meet to rule on the following. In accordance with IC 3-12-11-1 Ms. Richardson should is declared ineligible to serve, as State Representative for violations shown above and her certificate of election be declared null and void.

I request that both addresses remove your self’s from any hearing and review of this complaint in view of your contributions to her campaigns for office over the years. This places you in conflict to render a fair opinion or in the case of Ms. Peggy Beaver to vote on this matter as a member of the Election Board.

Respectfully submitted

Joseph L. Weingarten

Cc; Attorney General State of Indiana
Secretary of State, State of Indiana
Indiana Board of Elections