Saturday, November 5, 2011

Election Day Tuesday November 8th - Vote for Joe

What is the candidate and current officer holder for Fishers Clerk Treasurer hiding? Two debates were held this year, one for the primary and one for the current election. In both cases only one candidate for any Fishers office failed to show up. It was the same person both times the current Fishers Clerk Treasurer. Was she afraid someone was going to ask how come the numbers don’t add up in the Town Financial Report? Was she afraid someone was going ask if Mr. Walter Kelly who donated $5000 to the PAC that funded her campaign was also one of the heads of the CPA firm that does all her office paper work? Maybe someone was going to ask why she lists the value of the uniforms issued to the Firemen and Police offices as income on their federal income taxes? Maybe someone was going to ask how come her office does not accept on line payments, or credit cards, or debit cards or even make change when a citizen of the town want to pay a sewer or tax bill or pay for a permit? Her office requires either a check or exact change. Or could it be that in the thirty years she has been running this office nothing has change except the Town of Fishers grew from a few thousand people to almost 80,000 today.

Maybe we do know why she is in hiding. It is time for a major change in this office, time to bring in someone who understands technology, someone who has worked in government with budgets even larger than the towns, someone who ran a real business, someone who would not hire contributors to his election and someone who is not afraid to answer questions. It is time to vote for a change it is time to vote for Joe Weingarten. Tuesday November 8th vote for Weingarten for Fishers Clerk Treasurer.

This is approved by Joe Weingarten and Freinds of Weingarten