“Many Michigan residents have religious convictions whose
principles govern the conduct of their daily lives and inform their own
viewpoints about marriage,” this was written by U.S. District Judge Bernard
Friedman, on March 21, 2014, in his decision as he struck down Michigan’s Gay-Marriage ban. Change
one word in this statement – Michigan to Indiana and this is exactly what is
going to happen here after the tax payers of this state waste millions of
dollars to defend the state’s gay-marriage ban and its maybe new constitutional
If the amendment were put to a vote I am fairly certain it
would pass in this conservative state. But it would not survive any challenge
in the courts. It fly’s directly into the equal protection clause under the
law. It comes down too that the views of one group of people cannot be applied
to all. It is a religious view and we are a nation of religious freedom, no
religion can apply its conviction on everyone.
Indiana lawmakers knew full well the constitutional
amendment banning same sex marriage will be struck down. They passed it for one
reason too look good for the voters at home. Shame on them for not doing the
right thing. Shame on them for not explaining to their voters what is the law
of the land and how it protects them to have religious views and how those
views cannot become law.
Federal judges have struck down marriage bans in Utah, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Kentucky, Virginia, Texas, Illinois, Tennessee and now Michigan.
Indiana will soon be added to this list.