The Fishers Town Council and Mayor elect Scott Fadness has
become a pot of gold for area developers. According to the Star on Sunday June
29 a list of Fishers developments also had how much money the Council is giving
away to various developers for each project. One of the items didn’t have a
dollar sign next to it yet but assuming it will be over two hundred thousand,
it would bring the total Christmas gifts to 34 million dollars. That’s right 34
million dollars. You read correctly 34 million dollars or almost ½ of the entire
year budget.
Have these people gone crazy? Are they trying to outdo
Carmel? Of course they always have had Carmel envy. But it is money of the
citizens of the town soon to be a city. This is what happens when you have one
party in total control of government. They stop listening or for that matter caring.
If you live in Fishers it has become even more important to
elect a member of the opposition to office. That way all these secret deals wouldn’t
happen. I know this is hard for many of you die hard Republicans to do or think
about. But thinking that your elected officials are following the Regan concepts
is far form real. When it comes to giving away money to developers Democrats
ask why? Then they say no.
Instead of following blindly think about it this fall.