Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fishers Town Council Ture to Form Once Again

I am glad to see that the Fishers Town Council has not waivered from its policy not to listen to the Citizens of the Town of Fishers.  I was fearfully for a moment that the Council might change, but thank god they didn’t.

Recently they asked citizens to name a new park that they are building at a cost of $3.5 million. They got 72 suggested names and you would think they might have listened and maybe just maybe picked one. But true to form the Council once again didn’t listen and came up with there own one.  Thank goodness I was worried for a while. This continues a proud tradition of ignoring the citizens of the Town soon to become a City and only a City because the town folk were allowed to vote otherwise the town government would still be around.  So the ugly apartments and garage replace the beautiful treed entrance to Town Hall, the train station is being torn down to make way for more ugly structures, etc.

What can you do, this fall vote for every non-incumbent no matter what party they are, no matter what their policies are. It is time to shake up the ruling class that always knows what is best for everyone and therefore never listens; oh I forgot they do listen if you are a developer with big bucks.