Here are a few races where voting for a Democrat would
result in better government and would not change what you believe in. But would
increase honesty in government and actually improve the role of government in
your lives.
Tight now you Republicans have full control and in some
cases no one voices opposition which can lead to corruption and bad government.
Eric Tuner is a case in point. The man using his influence
in the Indiana House made millions of dollars on his family business. And now
when caught with his hand in the cookie jar (actually not only one hand but
both and up to his shoulder) he has the gall to tell people to vote for him and
he will resign and let a few party people pick his replacement. What if after
he gets elected he changes his mind and stays in office or he does resign and a
hand full of people pick his replacement, not the voters. So I urge you
Republicans to sent a message to your party, we are the people, and we will not
stand for corrupt people in politics. It is time to vote for Bob Ashley.
Now to my hometown of Fishers, Indiana where last year the
voters rejected the town’s effort to trick the voters into a fake city. The
town leaders who had predicted an 80 percent landslide for their fake city, by 9pm
on Election Day they found a 70% landslide against them and the formation of a
real city. Talk about a shock. Now a year later they have already selected a
Mayor in the primary and are consolidating power to take over the new city. The
new Mayor is even telling people privately the city will cost more money. Year
ago Gary Huff, town manager, said a new city would not cost any more. The theme
a year ago was “Don’t be Tricked” well it could be used again this year. Four Democrats
are running for office and electing anyone of them would cause the click to be
broken and better government. It is pretty much well known that the deals are
made by the Fishers Council upstairs in private and the meetings in front of
the public are a sham. If you elect a Democrat the private deals would stop.
The government would be more open. Now I want to tell you about one council
race that would result in fireworks at city hall. If Greg Purvis were elected
we can watch Pete Peterson and Greg battle it out in public all the time. What
is very interesting is that Tea Party members this weekend are going door to
door in his district asking Republicans to vote for Greg. Why? Because they
feel he more of a fiscal conservative than any of the current incumbents. I agree. The amount of tax dollars being given to private developers
is crazy. Of course these developers and contractors are the same ones donating
money to their political campaigns. This is going to be your city not the developer’s
city. Vote for Greg Purvis. Enjoy fireworks at the Council meetings; make the
City government more honest.
I want to tell you about the statewide races.
Why should you vote for the three Dems running for the
statewide offices? Are you sure you want government with no checks and
balances? I know I don’t. The governor has clearly shown he only cares about
one thing, trying to move up the ladder. Excuse me he has also shown he doesn’t
care one bit about education or improving the lives of Hoosiers. If he did he would
work with Ms Ritz instead to trying to kill off education in this state. One
factor that many voters don’t know is that the Governor along with the Auditor
and Treasurer can move money and programs without the consent of the House and
Senate. So they can do as they please
without any regard to what the state budget says. If they want to strip the
Department of Natural Recourses to zero they could. Are you sure you want that
type of government. Sounds more like Putin style government.
Beth White vs. Appointed Connie Lawson. Clearly Beth knows a lot more about
voter’s rights and running this type office than Connie. Even Republican
Charlie White (no relation to Beth) has made very nasty comments about Lawson.
So if you want to protect your right to vote, vote for Beth White.
Democrat Mike Claytor will challenge Republican Suzanne
Crouch for auditor. Claytor would be the first CPA to run for this office.
Isn’t time we had a professional in this office rather than someone who thinks
red glasses are the most important factor in a race.
Democrat Mike Boland and Republican Kelly Mitchell are
running for the Treasurers office. Ms, Mitchell was hand picked by Richard
Mourdock who was an embarrassment to this state. She was one of his staffers.
On the other hand Mike was an elected official for 16 years and headed a
finance committee. Mike has also stated he will donate his salary to various
Hoosier charities. Clearly Mike
cares about the people of this state.
If both Mikes get elected Gov. (who thinks he can become
President) no longer will be able to move state money around at will. Instead
your elected officials in the House and Senate will determine a budget.
So if you are a die-hard Republican but want to see better
government here is your chance to clean up Indiana. You can vote what is beat
for the state, vote to stop the real fraud that is costing your millions. Vote
to add real checks and balances to the system. Don’t forget when you walk into
that voting booth no one is looking over your shoulder.