Sunday, August 28, 2016

Why are Hamilton County Surveyor Public Records Blocked and Misleading

It is very interesting that if you go on the Internet to check out a simple Hamilton County Surveyor document you find it blocked. In fact I found one after another blocked. So you have to dig to find the answer. Here is an example:
Harry Herr Drain, Maintenance Assessment Increase

Go ahead copy it and put in your Google search

Save you some time here is the link

Now on this page click on the name, in fact click on any of the Drain names and here is what you get:

“Blocked by Content Security Policy

This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

Firefox prevented this page from loading in this way because the page has a content security policy that disallows it.”

OK so go to the County website and here is what you find:
“Drainage Notices
Posted on: August 25, 2016
Harry Herr Drain, Maintenance Assessment Increase
Harry Herr Drain, Maintenance Assessment Increase
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 405 of the 1965 Indiana Drainage Code that this Board, prior to final adjournment on August 22, 2016 has issued an order adopting the Schedule of Assessments, filed the same and made public announcement thereof at the hearing and ordered publication. If judicial review of the findings and order of the Board is not requested pursuant to Article Eight of this code within twenty (20) days from the date of this publication, the order shall be conclusive.
Hamilton County Drainage Board
Attest: Lynette Mosbaugh “

Of course this public notice says nothing. Anyone reading it would have no clue, you would assume an assessment was increased where this drain is located. How much? Where is it? 
When you dig further you can find the actual letter to the Drainage Board that does not call for an increase but rather keeping the assessment the same as established in 2014. So why is the title for an “increase.”

Maybe we need to have plain English established in the Surveyor’s Office?  Maybe the County Drainage Board should not have approved a letter with a misleading title? Why is there a security policy on a drainage notice?

Maybe its time for the voters of Hamilton County to elect a new Surveyor with proven government administrative capabilities and engineering expertise. I still have no clue where this drain is located.

Joe Weingarten for Surveyor

Approved and paid for by Weingarten for Surveyor

Friday, August 26, 2016

Fishers to Raise Taxes and Council Pay - Hmmm

The City Council may almost double their pay to $21,500 a year.

Fadness proposes a $12 million dollars new police headquarters.

Oh did I forget taxes will be going up, so much for Republicans who do not raise taxes and who do not spend.

And to top it off Fadness wants to enact a $25 tax on each vehicle you own. To pay for roads. Now he claims it would only be used for roads, but do I trust him. No way, at the rate he is going the money that should have gone to roads will go elsewhere and be replaced with the $25 wheel tax for roads. You know the three shells and which one is hiding the pea. What is interesting is the budget discussion were this came up was held at a retreat in a small room out of the way at Conner Prairie. No room for Fishers citizens to attend nor would they want Fishers citizens and tax payers to attend.  Business as usual for Fishers, out of the way behind closed doors and ignore the taxpayers. Maybe instead of giving all the tax breaks to his developer buddies they could pay their share of taxes. 

Since I am running for office even if it has nothing to do with this post I have to provide the following statement:

I am Joe Weingarten and I approve this message.
Approved and paid for by Weingarten for Surveyor

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Weingarten for Surveyor Hamilton County -Part One

How come the election office of Hamilton County sold a map, showing the voting districts, just two weeks ago to another one of the candidates and it doesn’t match the map that is on line? Also that map that was sold was dated 2013 and it shows an old road that does not exist anymore nor did it when the map was printed. In fact that road vanished in 1992 when the County government put a building on that land. Was the County Surveyor asleep or busy digging drains in Cicero, taking people’s land for his work? More on the land grabbing surveyor later. But he was surveyor when that road vanished. In fact he has been surveyor far too long. And here I was under the impression that the political party he belongs too believes in private property and property rights.

Well I guess I am wrong, I will admit when I am wrong. He does not believe in property rights. He believes in government and surveyor rights.

But at least if elected surveyor the county election maps will be up to date and if there are old ones lying around they will be recycled instead of being sold. 

I Joe Weingarten approve this message and it is paid for by Weingarten for Surveyor

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Trump and his Mexican Wall

An d Trump said

“I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” 

You know China built a wall and no Mexicans came across – maybe Trump will hire China too build his wall.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Trump you owe everyone an Apology

As a veteran and someone who served our nation for four years on active duty an another 26 years in Research and Development employed by the United States Air Force I find the comments made by Mr. Trump about the Khizr Khan to be repulsive and shows the true side of him.  Mr. Trump needs to formally apologize not only to the Khan family but also to every veteran and every citizen of the United States.

Mr. and Mrs. Kahn lost their son Captain Humayun Khan on June 8th 2004 when a suicide bomber drove his taxi towards hundreds of US solders in Iraq. Captain Kahn ordered his men to “hit the dirt” but he went towards the taxi motioning it to stop.  The bomber prematurely set off his bomb killing Captain Khan and two Iraqi civilians but not the hundreds he was going after.  Captain Khan and his parents are muslin but first they are Americans.

Mr. Trump appears to not understand we are American’s first and our ethic and religious background second. We are a nation that has repeatedly been called a melting pot. He and Mike Pence think they can insult, bully and get their way. It is time for all American’s to reject their policy of hate.

Captain Kahn was buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors on June 17, 2004.

His headstone shows the Muslim Crescent and Star just one of the other 62 symbols of faith on headstones at Arlington. The hollowed ground of Arlington is a true melting pot of the United States of America.