Saturday, May 3, 2008

Good-by Snow Blower, Hello Mower

Today was the day, the snow blower was turn on and let run until all the gas was used up and the mower was filled, oil checked and started. The snow blower moved to the front of the garage and the mower to the side near the front. Winter to summer conversion has been accomplished.

But the bad news continues, I actually had to mow the weeds, they popped up over the last few days and they and a little grass needed to be cut. So now starts the war of man against his lawn. Two shots of weed killer already applied and, one even by a professional outfit, and the weeds treat these killers as if they were fertilizer. So much for weed killer. Will have to call the pros back for another shot.

Other than that flowers are jumping up form the ground and making the place look rather nice. I was also out near here and drove past one field after another with the farmers out plowing. It’s a little late this year, we had too much rain.

Well that’s it from the heartland for today.

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