Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Republican Socialism

What everyone has forgotten is that the Republicans under the Bush leadership has started one of the biggest socialist programs ever the take over of the banking / finanical system by the government.

They started deregulation and the greed of the party fairful has backfired. So now to hide the faliure of their prograns they want a bailout with no controls.

This is the same problem we have anywhere you have a single party in power. No checks and balances on the system.

This is the problem here in Hamilton County where the Republican Party seems to run everything. It's time to change this one party takes it all and elected people based on peole and not the party. Actually if you look at this way a few Republicans act more like Democrats and the other way around. Its the policy of the person, not the party.

My name is Joe Weingarten and I am running for Indiana House seat in the 29th Distirict and I approve this message.

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