Sunday, April 17, 2016

Dirty Politics in Hamilton County

It once again points out the behavior of the the elected officials of this one sided county. When you have all the elected people in one party you get this kind of lack of representation of the people but the special interest groups. As Councilman McKinney writes in this letter he is calling for an investigation into "pay for play politics plaguing Hamilton County." I can only hope the County Sheriff does do an investigation into both the sign removal and pay to play. While I would rather see the State Troopers or the FBI do the investigation.  If it turns out that Jeff Hern did remove the sign, he should also resign from his position as Fall Creek Trustee.

  The following is from the Hamilton County Reporter issue Sunday April 17, 2016.

"Theft of campaign signs is unacceptable

Over the past several days, many of my campaign signs
worth nearly $1000 have gone missing.
After confirming with the city of Fishers that the signs
were properly placed, I called the Hamilton County
Sheriff’s office to report the thefts. Investigation led to the
discovery of a cell phone on the ground where one sign was
taken. This cell phone is allegedly owned by Jeff Hern of
Fishers, one of my opponents in the upcoming County
Council primary. The phone is now evidence in the
Sheriff’s criminal investigation.
In all my years in politics, I have never witnessed such
behavior. This type of dirty trick is unacceptable and a
criminal charge in the state of Indiana. I hope whoever is
found responsible for these thefts will apologize and make
restitution. Additionally, I hope all current and aspiring
elected officials will reject these tactics and the candidates
who use them. Our citizens deserve better representatives
who believe in fair play.
I have full confidence that law enforcement will inves-
tigate not only this incident, but also the broader corruption
and pay for play politics plaguing Hamilton County. A
message needs to be sent that this type of behavior will not
be tolerated. The citizens of Hamilton County can rest
assured that if they reelect me this May, I will continue to
be a voice for integrity, transparency and financial inde-
pendence. I will always represent their interests with sound
fiscal principles and high moral standards.
Rick McKinney
Hamilton County Councilman at large"

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