Monday, July 25, 2016

Trump Against Indiana

For those of you thinking of voting for Trump you may want to continue reading and think again.

We all know Trump has this fixation against Mexico. Building a wall, to tearing up Nafta.  Now before you tear up Nafta think about this.

The businesses in the State of Indiana exported $4.8 billion in goods to Mexico, making Mexico the Indiana’s second largest export customer.  Are you sure you want to stop the exports.  How many middle class workers will lose their jobs? How many manufacturing jobs will be lost not created as Mr. Trump promises.  BTW- $4.8 billion in sales translates into 120,000 jobs. Are you sure you want these losses.
Never happen – just watch China ship more and more goods to Mexico if Mr. Trump moves to kill Nafta. How many other states would be hurt by a trade war with Mexico?

Then of course who is hurt the most by trade wars – your family is. Higher tariffs mean higher prices at the store, which means less money in the pockets of the American family to buy made in the USA goods that will be even more expensive as US companies buy higher priced parts to build mostly Made in the USA products.

Now his running buddy is proud of all the low cost warehouse jobs he has created in Indiana. As an engineer I can see that even many of these will be in jeopardy in the long run. Why? You see we are a smart nation with a lot of smart engineers and they will be working more and more to kill off the warehouse jobs and replace them with robots. Just look at our car assembly lines. Why do you think Amazon is looking at drones, they are cheaper to ship a package than UPS, Fed Ex or the Post Office. Don’t you think they are also looking at how to get rid of every employee in the warehouse?  You bet they are.

So we should be doing the opposite and instead of demagoguery, we should be pushing for higher education and in the end more research and development to design high-end machinery that we can export to Mexico and China. Mr. Trump only knows to yell and bully, to press on the fears of people instead to trying to fix problems.  Trump’s policies will hurt Indiana a lot.

As an engineer I always look to ways to doing things faster and better. I firmly believe my faster and better can be applied to anything from the assembly line to the County Surveyors Office. The good engineer listens to the workers complaints and then applies technology to fix the complaint. In the long run everyone wins.

I am Joe Weingarten and I am running for Hamilton County Surveyor and I approve this message.
Paid for by Weingarten for Surveyor

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Trump and Pence -- and more.

The Guardian a British Newspaper is following the US elections and what they said about Mike Pence is priceless. Here are a few quotes from their July 15th article.

1.     “Indiana governor Mike Pence – has been picked for two reasons: he’s too boring to upstage the boss and, naturally, he’s incredibly rightwing.”
2.     That he’s a lunatic? Yes.
a.     He has signed overtly villainous abortion bills into law.
c.      He’s a so anti-refugee that he blocked the resettlement of Syrian war refugees in Indiana, before attempting to halt federal aid to any refugees who were already in Indiana.

Donald Trump has picked Mike Pence because … Because he’s a colourless nothing in a suit who ostensibly lends stability to Trump’s endless parade of berserk neon theatrics.”

Only a Brit could have written this.

Now this is even better: Something missed by almost all the news media. Why does the Donald say running the country is a real easy job?  Why because in an article by Jason Linkins editor of “Eat The Press” for The Huffington Post on 7/20/2016, he wrote:
Donald Trump Planning To Just Let Mike Pence Run The Country, Apparently Trump plans to saddle his veep with most of the duties of being president. Because why not? 

 So I have to guess that Donald will only handle the “huge” things and leave the rest to Pence – now that is scary. Here is how this came to light.

Donald Jr. asked a Kasich adviser if Governor Kasich “Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?” “When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.” Pence in charge of domestic and foreign policy? When the advisor asked what Trump would be doing the answer he got was “Making America great again.”


We continue to get our answer that Trump has no idea of what he is doing or what is involved in being President.

Now I know this may have nothing to do with the Job of  Hamilton County Surveyor but maybe it does when you think that these are the same people who picked Trump as the candidate. The same people who supported Pence.  Maybe its time to give people a choice and hopefully they vote for me.

My name is Joe Weingarten and I approve of this message. 

Weingarten for Surveyor

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A few notes on the current state of politics.

1. AUSTIN, Texas, July 20 (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday ruled that a Texas law requiring voters to show a government-issued form of photo identification before casting a ballot is discriminatory and violates the U.S. Voting Rights Act.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit also sent the case back to a district court to examine claims by the plaintiffs that the law had a discriminatory purpose.

Is Indiana next? Hopefully the ACLU files suit right away against Indiana law.

2. Urban Outfitters playing (anti-Trump) politics with merchandise?
T-Shirts - “IDK Not Trump Tho”  & “Vote Trump 20NEVER.”

They are also selling a book - “Quotations From Chairman Trump,” which is
“Unfiltered. Unabridged. Unauthorized. Unbelievable.”  I need to go buy this book.

3. New Hampshire state Rep. Al Baldasaro - "Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason."
What is alarming is that Rep Baldasaro is an advisor to Donald Trump.  Hopefully the Secret Service pays him a visit his statement might be taken as a threat against a “presidential candidate under Federal protection." Of course this kind of talk is just what we need when a few nuts start shooting at police and others.

4. Trump Income Tax a few proposals:
       A. If you make over $3.7 million a year you would have a 19% tax cut. Or about an average cut of $1.9 million for those over this amount but if you’re in the lowest tax bracket you will get a savings of $128.00.  Very fair wouldn’t you say?
       B. Corporate tax rate would drop from 35 percent to 15 percent.  Now if your in the 25% bracket why not incorporate yourself and drop to 15%.
       C. The Trump plan would reduce Federal income by $9.5 trillion over ten years.  Then jump to $15 trillion in the next ten years.

But--- The cuts result in less money going to the Federal Government and the end result is that you have to cut spending. Here are a few areas that would have to cut.
A.     According to the Congressional Budget Office Congress would have to cut spending by 21 percent.
B.     Social Security and Medicare by 41 Percent.  So make sure the over 65 crowd knows about these cuts.
Or no cuts and increase the national debt by 80 percent which in the long run is likely unsustainable. 

Do we want to continue this type of government and this type of thinking in Hamilton County, Indiana? It is time we give voters a choice in the 2016 election.

I am running for Hamilton County Surveyor and I approve this message.

Joe Weingarten

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Need I say any more?

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Joe Weingarten for Hamilton County Surveyor

Republicans of Hamilton County at war within the County Council and Commissioners.

It is interesting to watch the battle between them and therefore putting the public at risk.  As a result they can’t fund an expansion of the jail or a public safety-training center. 

What is very interesting is the dollar amount between what has been proposed and what the projected income is which would result in a deficit spending of  $369,000. Now $369,000 sounds like a lot of money and don’t get me wrong it is, but it is less than ½ of a percent. That includes a lot more than just these two items. What is even worst is that the county has $60 million in reserves and a few of the elected people are fearful of draining these reserves. Give me a break that is exactly what a reserve is for. Is $369,000 a real drain on 60 million or is that a cover story.  I think it is a fake excuse plain and simple.

It is the same at the state level where the worst governor in many years keeps cutting back to save for a rainy day and the sun keeps shining. Ask anyone in DNR about how many conservation officer vacancies exist. Call many state offices and you get a tape-recording because state offices are undermanned.

Back to the county, it is time for the people of this county to realize it is time to stop the one party rule. Don’t believe me go to any Council or Commission meeting and watch in horror. As one item after another is presented by title, seconded and passed. What was that about you ask yourself and on they go on to the next item, read a title, call for a motion, do I hear a second, all in favor. Passed. Next. Read a title, call for a motion, do I hear a second, all in favor. Passed. Next. Do I need to do this again or did you get the picture?

Is this the kind of government you want? I don’t think so. Of course if you believe they will always act in your favor, go for it and ignore what your government is doing.  I don’t think it is what you want.

I am now running for County Surveyor another position that has been held too long by one person and therefore no consideration of the public at large. Almost as if it’s his personal office and no one should run against him. Well its time voters have a choice. I am giving voters a choice and hope they will elect me this fall.

Over the next few months I will be providing information about myself and about the office I am running for.

Joe Weingarten for Hamilton County Surveyor and I fully approve this message.

Paid for by Weingarten for Surveyor.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Hamilton County Democratic Party Appoints Slate of Candidates

Contact: Keith Clock
Phone: 317-522-1669
For Immediate Release:
 July 1, 2016
Hamilton County Democratic Party Appoints Slate of Candidates

Noblesville – Today, Hamilton County Democratic Party Chair Keith Clock announced that the party has filled eight ballot vacancies for the 2016 election.

“Our party’s number one priority is to give voters of Hamilton County a choice on Election Day,” said Clock.

“Republicans have some of the weakest and flawed candidates in a generation. Hamilton County voters will have a clear choice for change and leadership from the top to the bottom of the ballot.”

The following new candidates will appear on ballots this fall:

County Commissioner District 2 – Mimi DeMore
County Commissioner District 3 – Debra Jarvis

Auditor – Pat Otten
Treasurer – Mark Bailey
Surveyor – Joe Weingarten

County Council, At-Large – Rosemary Dunkle
County Council, At-Large – Bob Williams
County Council, At-Large – Edward Chu

A caucus of Fishers-area precinct chairs was held on Thursday. Mike Boland was elected by the caucus to be the party’s candidate for state representative in house district 37.

These newly elected candidates will join the following Democrats elected in the primary election:

Governor – John Gregg
U.S. Representative, District 5 – Angela Demaree
State Senate, District 20 – Paula Gilliam
State Senate, District 30 – Pamela Hickman
State Representative, District 32 – Ryan Davis
State Representative, District 39 – David Russ
State Representative, District 88 – Dana Black

Paid for and authorized by the Hamilton County Democratic Party, Keith Clock, Chairman.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.