Monday, July 25, 2016

Trump Against Indiana

For those of you thinking of voting for Trump you may want to continue reading and think again.

We all know Trump has this fixation against Mexico. Building a wall, to tearing up Nafta.  Now before you tear up Nafta think about this.

The businesses in the State of Indiana exported $4.8 billion in goods to Mexico, making Mexico the Indiana’s second largest export customer.  Are you sure you want to stop the exports.  How many middle class workers will lose their jobs? How many manufacturing jobs will be lost not created as Mr. Trump promises.  BTW- $4.8 billion in sales translates into 120,000 jobs. Are you sure you want these losses.
Never happen – just watch China ship more and more goods to Mexico if Mr. Trump moves to kill Nafta. How many other states would be hurt by a trade war with Mexico?

Then of course who is hurt the most by trade wars – your family is. Higher tariffs mean higher prices at the store, which means less money in the pockets of the American family to buy made in the USA goods that will be even more expensive as US companies buy higher priced parts to build mostly Made in the USA products.

Now his running buddy is proud of all the low cost warehouse jobs he has created in Indiana. As an engineer I can see that even many of these will be in jeopardy in the long run. Why? You see we are a smart nation with a lot of smart engineers and they will be working more and more to kill off the warehouse jobs and replace them with robots. Just look at our car assembly lines. Why do you think Amazon is looking at drones, they are cheaper to ship a package than UPS, Fed Ex or the Post Office. Don’t you think they are also looking at how to get rid of every employee in the warehouse?  You bet they are.

So we should be doing the opposite and instead of demagoguery, we should be pushing for higher education and in the end more research and development to design high-end machinery that we can export to Mexico and China. Mr. Trump only knows to yell and bully, to press on the fears of people instead to trying to fix problems.  Trump’s policies will hurt Indiana a lot.

As an engineer I always look to ways to doing things faster and better. I firmly believe my faster and better can be applied to anything from the assembly line to the County Surveyors Office. The good engineer listens to the workers complaints and then applies technology to fix the complaint. In the long run everyone wins.

I am Joe Weingarten and I am running for Hamilton County Surveyor and I approve this message.
Paid for by Weingarten for Surveyor

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