Thursday, October 27, 2016

Vote for Joe - More on Jeff Hern and Surveyor

I have been thinking about the Larry in Fishers article I posted yesterday on this blog. I have some more thoughts on the saga.

Jeff Hern running for Hamilton County Council may face a Misdemeanor Charge for stealing a campaign sign. Of course formal charges have not yet been filed and it will be after the election by the time anything is done. Funny how this has taken so long it was April when his cell phone was found next to where the sign was. It takes less time to investigate a murder. But come on Jeff isn't it time for you to resign from your current Township Post and not accept any vote for you. The holding of a public office is a public trust and you no longer have the public trust. Maybe it is time for the voters of Hamilton County to switch out parties and bring honest government to the people. When my opponent has been in office since 1977 does he think he answered to the public anymore. Doubtful. He takes it fully for granted. Time to change.

I am Joe Weingrten and I approve this message.
Weingarten For Surveyor

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