If you live and vote in Hamilton County you have to read
Pivotal local elections to determine
the future of public safety projects
What’s worst it shows that the County Republican’s holding
elected office have lied to the League of Women Voters about the debate. We
heard the Republicans couldn’t come because there was a meeting and they had to
go to it. In this article
“Dillinger said the republican candidates made a group decision not to attend
the debate because they did not want to give the democrats the media attention
that their participation in the event would have brought.”
So here we have it an out and out lie by Mr. Dillinger and
all the Republican candidates. Are these the people you want in office?
If you take the time to read the article you come away with
a very bad impression of Mr. Dillinger and the rest of his crew. One of an ego
that is beyond belief, one of we know best, one we have done this so long and
so well no one else can do better.
So no one can do better, no new ideas, only arrogance and a
one party system that can be run without any checks and balances. Well lately
they are having some fights even within their ranks, but not for the benefit of
the people of the county but rather for themselves.
Its is time to vote in a few if not all Democrats to cause a
change in the good old boy network at the county level. What a shock to the
system if they had to answer questions at a Council or Commissioner meeting in
front of the public instead making all those deals in private. Go to one of the meetings and watch and
then try and tell anyone what happened. You can’t. Ask for complete copies of
what they are going to vote for in advance, guess what they expect you to pay
ten cents a page for the copies. Talk about a closed system to keep the public
out. Its time to shut this down and the way to do it is with electing new
people to the County Offices.
I am running for County Surveyor, the current surveyor has
been in office since 1977. Its time for a change and a new look.
Joe Weingarten
Weingarten for Surveyor
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