State Rep Kathy Richardson continues to run her own election
and this may be the biggest case of potential election fraud in the State of Indiana. She is the
“Election Administrator” of the Hamilton County and at the same time elected to the office of State Representative. Isn’t it time she be made to pick one job and not run her own
election. Of course in Hamilton
(one party) County no one see’s anything wrong with this. Then again in the one
party state they will not find anything wrong with this.
Then she continues to have early voting in the courthouse so
people can see her walking around from her office right across the hall from
the voting.
Now lets take a look at early voting. Why did people have to
stand in line for hours at the Carmel Library and Fishers City Hall? In some
cases up to five hours. Why is the main early voting held in the Courthouse
with the very limited parking and all kinds of security checks to get into he building?
Here are some easy solutions to the mess we had in early
voting. First of all add extra voting machines at both the Library and City
Hall. The machines were available, as they were not needed until election day
for other locations. Easy to double or triple the number of machines at each
location. Or was the five-hour
wait on purpose? Ms. Richardson can claim what a great job she did having early
voting and ignore the lack of thinking on her part. Or the time the machines failed at the Carmel Library and
then turning away those people at Fishers when they arrived a few minutes late
after being told to go to Fishers from Carmel.
The Courthouse had 18 machines and the other two only five. Now my other question is why the
Courthouse? Oh I know because it has always been done at the Courthouse and Ms.
Richardson needs people to see her.
The County owns just blocks away Fairgrounds with big buildings and lots
of parking. So way not use these facilities to hold early voting. It would
reduce the amount of Sherriff Deputies needed to inspect every person entering
the Courthouse, reduce the need to try and find a parking spot and just make
life easier for the voters. Can’t make life easier for voters. Just make it
look like your making it easier for voters. But then again it would reduce Ms. Richardson’s
visibility to voters and she can’t have that.
Now back to Ms. Richardson. It is time she be forced to
either resign from one of the two jobs that are in conflict. How can she be
responsible for counting votes that determine if she wins or loses an election?
How can she be responsible for the voting machines and to top it off machines
that do not have any paper trail? She can’t and it is time the County Clerk and
Commissioners step up to their responsibility to the voters and remove this out
and out conflict of interest and potential for voter fraud.
"A candidate for elected office or a member of a candidate’s campaign finance committee may not serve as an appointed member of the board, a proxy for an appointed member of the board, or be employed by a county election board. The circuit court clerk may not serve as a member of a candidate’s campaign finance committee other than the clerk’s own candidate’s campaign finance committee."
(IC 3-6-5-3; IC 3-6-5.2-4.5; IC 3-6-5.4-4.5)
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