Monday, September 22, 2008


Today everything is about Wall Street and the Bush economy and the urgent need to give them $700 billion to bail out the people who got us into this mess. From what I read it means I as well as every one of you has to hand over $2000 of our money to bail out these rich folks.

First George tried to give us money to make the economy move and now he is taking it back and giving it to his buddies on Wall Street. The same people he worked so hard to give a free hand so they could build the economy. Well they build homes for themselves and not the economy. Now I have nothing against Wall Street what I do have is an anger against CEO’s that make millions just to see which CEO can make the most, not what’s good for their company, but who has the largest jet and of course the biggest house and of course how many houses. We have turned the world upside down. Working families are on the bottom of the pile and a few executives and sports stars on top. It’s time to stop this nonsense.

We need to change the tax structure and lower taxes for those who make less than million and raise it for those who make more than a million. Actually I am not sure where the cut should be, but making 5, 10 or 20 million a year is not right. No one is worth that much, but our culture makes us think that way. What if we took away a zero from all the superstars? Got a 10 million contract, opps lets make that one million. I see nothing wrong with a 90% tax if you make over 10 million. Make less than $100,000 I want to reduce your tax. Oh no can’t do that, that is socialism, wait isn’t what George wants to do on Wall Street real socialism. Or is it reverse Robin Hood, steal from the poor and give to the rich. With a 90% tax The Donald would cry and cry but would he even notice it, I doubt he even knows what he has. What if for every million over one million the income tax goes up 5% until it hits some high number? Or make it 3%, I don’t care, let congress figure out a number, but lets do something instead of this crazy idea to lower taxes on the rich. The concept is if you lower their taxes they will spend the money and it goes down into jobs. Sorry, they don’t spend that much, they save it to make even more. While a middle income family spends too much of their money.

Next it is time for shareholders to revolt and demand the CEO’s take a pay cut. In fact a big pay cut or throw them out and hire someone who cares about the company and not only about their pay. It used to be you worked your way up to the top. Now you work way up to then work for an outsider who knows nothing about your company, but knows money tricks. It’s time to stop all this nonsense.

Then it is time to stop our love of sports and the pay of the players. No, love the sport, but stop paying the players to the point of where you can’t afford to go to a game. What has gotten into people willing to spend hundreds to see a bunch of overgrown people play a game? It’s only a game; start to realize it’s only a game. Why are you wasting your hard earned money on a game? I think some people would rather go to a football game than save the money to sent their children to college. What would happen if no one went to any football game for a weekend and demanded lower cost tickets? Then do it again another weekend, then a week of baseball games. If every player quit, want to bet a bunch of new ones would fill the ranks overnight.

It’s time to stop and think, please think. Greed by a few has gotten us into this mess, let’s stop the greed, and let’s demand that it stop.

My name is Joe Weingarten and I approve this message.

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