Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Political Signs - time to remove

In past elections - the political signs by Democrats in many cases did not have to be removed after Election Day in Fishers. You see the city, town crews used to remove many of them even when they were legally placed even before the election leaving the Republican signs alone unless we would call and complain.

 But this year so many Republican signs dot the landscape and no matter where they are they have not been remove by the sign police. Right of ways, full of signs.  So now all you Republican candidates get moving and clear off the signs.  The only exception has been the removal of signs by one candidate of another candidates sign.  Now that the election is over will the sign war go away between the two who placed 1 and 2 in the County Council race or will the special prosecutor continue to investigate.

Maybe I should start a business – sign removal, and sell the metal holders for scrap.  I could make a lot of money based on the number of signs this year.

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