Saturday, January 9, 2016

New Book - Field Guide to Hallmarks of US Military Insignia - review

I just released a new book that only took me four years to research and write. Below is the first book review, when you read this you will see a very happy author. Why did I do this when I expect to sell only 100 copies and now with this type of a review maybe 200. But why? We need to record as much of this as possible before it is lost to time. For example finding the WWI information was very hard, even WWII or current. So if you have a favorite topic and know a lot how about writing a book. Actually in today's print on demand it is even easier than you realize. You can write and publish at zero cost and then pay just for the books you want. Have a book in mind, history of your family, history of a company, history of a town or anything else. Get writing. Want more information on how to do this e-mail me at I will be happy to aim you in the right direction.

FM 82-102 Field Guide to Hallmarks of US Military Insignia, by Joe Weingarten (ISBN 978-1519118882, 1903 Press, Softcover, 2016, 6” x 9”, 252 pages, hundreds of color and b/w illustrations, $39.00)
The most useful “maps” for collectors to follow are the result of hundreds of hours of research, compilation, and finally, publication. Author, artist, and collector Joe Weingarten has advanced the US military insignia hobby by doing all of that when he finally released his new Field Guide to Hallmarks of U.S. Military Insigina. 
Don’t be fooled by the military technical manual-appearing cover—this book is a landmark of research that collectors will refer to time and again. This is the most comprehensive listing of hallmarks used on US military metal insignia that has ever been available. 
While a number of books have been written on hallmarks used by jewelry manufacturers, Weingarten recognized the cross-over: Medals and insignia are the “jewelry” of the military. Building on that, he scoured old listings, archives, and business records to compile this listing. Whenever possible, company profiles are provided as well. But most importantly, Weingarten endeavored to illustrate the company logos and markings with clear photographs of actual military insignia. In some cases only the company name is shown with a hope that in the future readers will supply additional information and hallmarks for future editions.
Added bonuses in this book are details about dating pinback catch types, clutches, Institute of Heraldry List of Concerns Authorized to Manufacture Insignia, and most importantly, a good index. Codes found on German WWII-era insignia and medals are included as appendices.
As with Weingarten’s other book, Field Guide to US Paratrooper Badges, this current offering is a “work in progress.”   The author welcomes corrections and additions that he will include in future editions. 
While the book is available through Amazon, Weingarten has made it available to Military Trader readers through his web site for the reduced price of $30. Simply log into and search for “BK-6”.
When passion and research finally result in a book, our hobby advances. Joe Weingarten has moved US metal insignia collecting forward with this newest offering. Don’t miss the opportunity to continue your collecting journey with this new map!—JAG 

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