Saturday, January 14, 2017

Another Failure by the Republicans

In 2005, newly elected Gov. Mitch Daniels needed a couple of billion dollars to help fund “Major Moves,” his 10-year plan for building and fixing roads throughout the state.  He started out by selling the Toll Road for $3.8 billion, which was about $1 billion more than expected. Then rounded this up to about $10 billion for both new roads and $5.8 billion to fix and maintain our existing roads.

I am sure you all remember "Major Moves" a ten year program. Maybe we should now rename this "Major Failures". What ever happened to the part about preservation and maintenance, of current roads. Based on the infrastructure failures it appears this was never accomplished. 

The state and Mitch’s program never lived up to his promises and now the legislators expect the citizens of the state to foot the bill for Mitch’s failed program with an increase in taxes to fix our roads.  

So here we are no longer getting revenue from the Toll Road, bridges that fail and you know when your back home in Indiana by the bumpy ride.  

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