Monday, June 16, 2008

Indiana Government Waste

You would think the Representatives and Senators would know better, but some don’t and some do.

Around the last week in May 2008 I got in the mail a slick 4 page, full color flyer from Kathy Richardson the Representative of the 29th District. It so happens this is the same district I am running for to be the state representative.

As an incumbent she has the ability to spend your tax dollars to get her name in front of you just before an election. Interesting how that works. So what does this fancy flyer have to say? Nothing that was not already in the news, on TV, etc. Her letter on the back page is all about the property tax cut and her thanks to those who contracted her during the session. Kathy the session is long over and you write us now. What took you so long?
Oh, I understand elections are coming.

Well, how much this slick flyer cost? I asked. I got a response of sorts. They would not tell me how much was the cost of developing the flyer. But did tell me the cost of printing and postage which comes to a whopping $12,656.70.

I know I did not get one of these form Senator Gard. Maybe she doesn’t want to waste money.

I am also certain that many other Representatives and Senators have the state mail out these flyers, after all it’s a cheap way to tell all the voters about yourself without spending any campaign funds. I don’t care if it was a democrat or republican who mailed these out, its wrong and a waste of your tax dollars. This money could be much better spent on education, heath care and many other things, rather than self-preservation of yourself in elected office. Or even better yet reduce, your taxes some more.

While the property tax cut is a great idea and I fully support it, I strongly believe other taxes and fees will skyrocket because the government has done nothing to reduce the cost of government.

Anyone want to take a bet you will get one of these in October?

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