Monday, March 22, 2010

Fisher's Secret Caucus -

Fisher’s holds secret meeting plots overthrow of Township Governments

In mid January the Fishers seven met with some members of Delaware and Fall Creek Township’s Boards in secret. My sources tell me they are calling it a “caucus” and therefore legal under Indiana law. But wait a caucus what happened to inviting all of your party to a caucus or was this limited caucus to develop a plan to over throw two government units that provide representation and services to citizens.

Slowly details are leaking out of who was at the meeting and what they are planning. At a recent meeting of the Delaware Township Board – Mr. Mike Colby all of a sudden reads a motion that only someone like Doug Church could have written asking for a study towards a merger of the Township with the Town of Fishers and Fall Creek Township. All of a sudden this pops up? Give me a break. On top of that it was not on the agenda listed in the newspaper. Was Mike trying to do an end run? Looks like it. Mr. Colby appears to be a voice of the Town, in fact a loud voice. Maybe he wants to replace Charlie White and so he is paying his dues by following orders of the gang. I also have to wonder how Mr. Colby in his proposal can speak for those of us in Fall Creek Township or was that part of the agreement with the two members of the Fall Creek Township Board who also were at this fake caucus.

I have to wonder if Charlie White who wants to become Secretary of State was at the meeting after all he is one of the gang of seven. If not Charlie do you condone fake caucus meetings?

Note to the people who want to keep Fishers a Town. Is this the type of secretive government you want? Behind closed doors, using terms like caucus to hide and plot?

Isn’t it time to have an open government?

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