Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hey Mitch – where are all the jobs.

Channel 13, WTHR has uncovered another one of Mitch’s tall tails. This time its all the jobs that came to Indiana. But it appears many of these are ghost jobs, or jobs that were promised that never showed up, factories that were never built, and on and on. For all the details go to:

My hat off to WTHR for a job well done. But something is very upsetting. WTHR asked Indiana Economic Development Corporation for data, why you guess it, they couldn’t release that information. Now let’s see a government agency withholding information. Not in the State of Indiana, couldn’t happen. Mitch was also not available for comment, maybe he was too busy working the back rooms in his run for president.

Hey Mitch – next on your list, shut down the schools, cuts their budgets so Indiana can’t train workers for those empty job postings, we don’t need them anyway, since there are no jobs.

Approved by Weingarten for 29th State Representative

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