Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Fat Fishers

This mornings Indy Star had a note that over 40% of Fishers residents are overweight. So I wanted to see first hand what is going on and went to and needless to say two very overweight guys right on the pictures of the Fishers web site.

I guess the article was correct. Now Fishers also claims to have lower taxes, that's because they use all kinds of fee's instead such as the new storm water fee (TAX), maybe with the property tax cut they will have to start a new fee and at the same time reduce overweight people, I can see them having a "Biggie" fee, when you order anything biggie at a fast food joint, you get hit with the biggie fee, order a single, no fee, a double a 10 cent fee, a triple a 25 cent fee. Of course a monster burger would be a dollar fee. Same with sugar filled sodas.

Now I would rather see a program on education on how to eat properly. This would be a lot better than Fishers growth objective of adding as many strip malls and business such as all the fast food restaurants all the time.

My name is Joe Weingarten and I approve this message.

Weingarten for 29th State District Representative.

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