Saturday, April 19, 2008

Geist Alage Fight

The Geist Algae problem of last summer is being fought by a non-profit group and they are having a meeting on April 29th with several state lawmakers. Missing form the list of legislators that will be at the meeting is Representative Kathy Richardson. Not only is Geist in part of her district more importantly is Morse Lake, which also suffered from toxic algae last year. In addition if you look at a map a lot of the run-off into Geist is from an area that is in her district.

I am running for the seat she now holds and believe the development of a comprehensive plan to limit phosphorous needs to be put into place. It may be as simple restricting the use of lawn fertilizers that contain phosphorous within the water shed area of both lakes.

In any case we need someone in the statehouse that cares about the environment and this area. My name is Joe Weingarten and I approve this message.

Weingarten for the 29th District State Representative.

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